How do you Step out of your Comfort Zone when it all feels too scary? When the very thought of change terrifies you and the unknown is too unpredictable? How do you make changes to your life when it all feels too hard?

We are mostly creatures of comfort and like our lives to feel safe and predictable. We like the ‘known’ and we like the certainty that it brings. Many of us stay in the same jobs, the same homes, the same locations and the same relationships, because it is all we know. We feel safe and we feel assured of what each day will bring. We tend to like more of the ‘same.’

But what if we start to feel that our lives are limited? What if we suddenly realised one day, that there was more to life? What if we decided that comfort isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, that adventure and possibility lie over the horizon? What do we do then?

We take steps to bring about change! Most of us have heard of a bucket list, of places that we want to visit during our lifetime. But what if we had a ‘dreams list’ as well? On this list you could write down all the things that you would like to do one day. Then start looking at what is possible and where you can start.

Maybe you want to learn to dance or begin a new language? There are many courses around. Community centres and the Council of Adult Education often have short courses so you can try them out, before committing to something more long term. Have you always wanted to write a book, but don’t know where to start? The Australian Writers’ Centre has courses to get your imagination flowing.

Whatever you choose to do, there are ways to achieve your dreams. Perhaps you could start planning for that solo trip that has always interested you or start increasing your fitness for that mountain trail you want to conquer. The possibilities are endless.

How do you step out of your Comfort Zone when it all feels too scary? Stop listening to that mindless chatter. Our minds are very good at convincing ourselves that our dreams are just that – dreams – and they will never achieve fruition. We convince ourselves that we are too old, or too unfit, or don’t have the experience or the knowledge to do something new. ‘It will never work out. It will be a waste of time and energy and I will fail. I should just be happy with what I have.’ The stories are endless.

But what if your new venture was a resounding success? What if you discovered a new soul mate or a new career or a new passion? Wouldn’t it have been worth it? I have mentioned before that I have written a book and it will be released in late March. I have loved the writing process, but have no idea how it will be received. Hopefully some people will love it and perhaps some will hate it, but that’s okay. I wrote it for myself because it was a passion of mine. I wrote it because it was one of my dreams.

Have I opened myself up to judgment and criticism? Yes possibly and that does scare me. But I want my life to be meaningful and that means taking risks. Staying safe and hidden means staying the same and depriving yourself of life and all its’ opportunities.

By taking risks and stepping out of our comfort zones, we learn to grow. I left nursing to study Reflexology. It was a huge gamble to leave a steady job and begin my own business, but I was unhappy and needed to find fulfilment somewhere else. I have travelled to a lot of different countries, never quite knowing what I would find, but it has always been worth the effort. I began garden photography to sell to magazines, which was at times a scary experience. Chatting to knowledgeable editors was definitely out of my comfort zone.

Not every task I have undertaken has been a resounding success but that doesn’t stop me from trying something new. Making mistakes means I learn and a part of me grows. How do you step out of your comfort zone when it all feels too scary? You start to plan and then start to take action. Believe in yourself for you are capable of amazing things. We just don’t credit ourselves enough for all our accomplishments.

Begin to live a life of your choosing, not someone else’s. So many of us are brought up to put everyone else first. We listen to their needs instead of our own and we put our own desires on hold. “Others need me now, others are more important, others need to take priority,” we tell ourselves.

Well guess what? We need to put ourselves at the top of our ‘to-do’ lists. It’s only when we feel happy, healthy and fulfilled, that we can give to others from a place of love and kindness, not obligation. So start listening to your heart’s desires. Allow yourself to feel vulnerable and expect some resistance from yourself and others. That’s okay. Your ego is protecting you from it’s own insecurities and your family and friends are just expressing their own fears and anxieties.

Take that risk, dream your dreams and take action on them. Then start living this one amazing, glorious life!

With warmest wishes,

Judy xxx

References: Photo by Nathan McBride on Unsplash

Disclaimer: Please note that all information in this article is the opinion of the author and obtained through her research and knowledge and the above references. It is not meant to replace medical advice and a medical opinion should always be obtained for any health condition.