Can your Face reveal your Health? The answer to this may appear obvious. If you’re feeling ill, you may look very pale and tired. If you have a fever, you may appear flushed and hot. If you are in great health, you will appear bright-eyed and rosy cheeked.

However the Face can tell us a lot about our inner health, not just what appears on the surface. In Facial Reflexology areas of the face are palpated to see which organs or parts of the body are out of balance. If you are feeling stressed or have had a run of late nights with little sleep, small deposits like grains of rice may be felt in various parts of your face. For example if you have had a few nights out partying, these small deposits may be felt in your liver.

If on the other hand you have had long standing issues such as constant stress, hormonal problems, gut issues or more serious concerns, the areas of your face will feel denser and tight and may even form into a lump. By feeling these dense areas called deposits, a reflexologist can tell whether an issue is of long standing and also  which part of the body is most out of balance.

Lines and wrinkles can also reveal an underlying health issue. In Dien Chan Vietnamese Reflexology forehead lines depict different areas of your body that may be out of balance. Lines at the top of your forehead may indicate a Large Intestine issue. Lines along the middle of your forehead relate to your mind. So if you are constantly stressed or worrying, your face will reflect this. Lines along the bottom of your forehead relate to a possible imbalance in your Stomach or Liver.

Deep wrinkles along the sides of your nose may mean there is an issue with your Colon, whereas deep wrinkles just above the corners of the mouth may mean a kidney or adrenal issue. Deep furrows between your eyebrows usually relate to shoulder problems. Dark circles under your eyes may mean an kidney imbalance or low Chi, your body’s life-force.

Areas of your face that are out of balance can also relate to a person’s personality. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, if a particular meridian is out of balance this may not only mean an issue with the underlying organ, but may relate to the emotions of the person.

For example, if the Kidney meridian is out of balance, the person may be a very fearful individual. If the Lung meridian is affected, the person may be very controlling. Liver/Gall bladder issues can relate to anger or frustration while Stomach meridian issues can be associated with stress and worry.

The Face is an amazing map of what is going on in your body, not just physically but emotionally. It tells so many stories about an individual’s health journey. You just need to tap into it, look a little more closely then read and understand.

Remember that health issues can be tackled and with treatment the face will change. As your health improves, fine lines may disappear and your complexion will look brighter and healthier.

They say that ‘your eyes are the windows to your soul’. Perhaps the face is the mirror of your Health.

Give me a call if you would like to discuss your Health issues.

Warmest wishes,

Judy xxx


References: Facial Reflexology (Sorensensistem), Dien Chan Multireflexology.

Disclaimer: Please note that all information in this article is the opinion of the author and obtained through her research and knowledge and the above references. It is not meant to replace medical advice and a medical opinion should always be obtained for any health condition.