We have all experienced pain at some time in our lives. It may be a small pain as from a scratch or simple cut, or it may be more severe, following a serious injury such as a fracture.
So what is Pain and how can Reflexology help?
Pain is an uncomfortable feeling that can start as a mild discomfort or as something more
severe. It can be irritating or agonising and we all experience it in different ways, depending on the actual pain and our tolerance of it.
When pain occurs, our nervous system detects that there is an injury or underlying illness
or distress in the body and we detect this sensation as pain.
Pain may be acute when we have a sudden injury such as a sprain or fracture or a medical incident such as appendicitis. This type of pain usually resolves once
the reason for it is treated.
However, pain may also be chronic where it lasts a long time.
It may follow an old injury that never healed properly, such as a back injury, or may be due to
degenerative changes such as arthritis.
Pain doesn’t always occur from a physical injury or actual tissue damage. It may be related to an emotional or social issue, can be influenced by our beliefs and is usually worse when stress is present.
How then can Reflexology help ease the pain or take it away completely?
Reflexology helps improve circulation and nerve supply to all parts of the body.
It helps eliminate toxins through lymphatic drainage and helps boost the immune system. Hence it helps more blood flow to any injured area bringing oxygen and nutrients to the cells. It also boosts the immune response which is part of the body’s healing process. When an injury occurs, inflammation follows. This is a result of increased blood cells flooding the area to begin the process of healing. Reflexology helps increase this response.
When pain occurs, especially if it is severe pain, we start to feel stressed. Our heart rate increases, our blood pressure rises and our muscles tense up. If we are able to relax and let go of this tension, the pain often diminishes. Reflexology assists this process.
Facial reflexology works on specific acupressure points to stimulate nerve endings. It also uses Vietnamese maps of the face to work on areas of pain related to dysfunction in the physical body. As a point on the face is worked for neck or shoulder pain, that area of tension or pain in your actual neck or shoulder, is released.
Reflexology also helps stimulate your Hormonal system so that ‘feel good’ hormones or endorphins are released. These work on the nervous system to help ease the pain.
Studies in the UK and Korea have shown an increase in the pain threshold and a person’s ability to tolerate pain, following Reflexology. It has also been shown to decrease pain associated with cancer, arthritic pain, lower back pain, kidney stone pain and pain following surgery, just to name a few.
As so many people suffer from headaches and back pain, below are some points that you can work yourself to help with these issues.
Start off by using your index finger to rub up and down in front of the ears, 12 to 15 times. This stimulates the nervous system so starts the relaxation process. Then press firmly on each point for 30 to 40 seconds. Finish off by rubbing up and down in front of your ears for 12 to 15 times.
So simple and can be done up to three times a day.
Take care and let me know how you get on.
With love,
Judy xxx
References: www.fht.org.uk, www.reflexology-research.com, thanks and courtesy of Dien Chan, Multireflexology
Disclaimer: Please note that all information in this article is the opinion of the author and obtained through her research and knowledge and the above reference. It is not meant to replace medical advice and a medical opinion should always be obtained for any health condition.