How do you greet the coming Year? Do you welcome it with joy and excitement, or fear and anxiety, or perhaps a little trepidation? Maybe it’s just another date in the calendar and doesn’t hold much meaning for you, or feels like just more of the same?

I greet each New Year with Hope and anticipation. I have no idea how the year will unfold, but I have plans that I want to instigate and dreams around things that I want to achieve. I also have hope that it will be a good year. A year filled with health and happiness, time with family and friends and time with my Reflexology clients.

Over the past two years, I have written a book which I am self-publishing. It will be available late March and it’s one of the dreams that I want to make into reality. Creativity is a passion of mine that I have only recently rekindled. So this year I hope to make it a huge part of my life.

I have not made New Year resolutions for some time now as they always felt a bit forced and hollow and made just for the sake of it. I now choose a word each year on how I would like my year to unfold. I must admit, it doesn’t always work, but it provides a guiding light for my plans and ambitions.

This year I chose the word, ‘Release’ because there’s a lot of things I want to let go of. Release of fear and anxiety about the unknown, release of others expectations, release of feelings of ‘not doing enough’ or ‘not being enough,’ release of doing things because I ‘should’ and release of things that I cannot control. I want to allow more acceptance into my life, of events and people who bring me joy.

How do you greet the coming year? Do you keep doing what you have always been doing or do you want to make changes? If you are happy and contented, that’s great, but if not, what can you do differently? I believe we all have opportunities for growth. None of us are infallible. We are humans with all the wonder and frailties that come with being human. We create and we make mistakes and that’s how we grow.

What can you do differently this year? What do you dream about and want to achieve? Write down your plans as this makes them seem more real. Then take action. Having lovely lists is a start, but we need to take action on them if we want to achieve our goals and dreams. Perhaps you want to learn a language, or join a gym, or start dancing or painting. Perhaps you want to write a book or start a new career. The possibilities are endless.

Do your research then book into a class or make that phone call. Nothing is set in stone, so if it doesn’t work out, you can always leave. Be open to the potential of finding something that fuels your Soul. Yes change can be scary and most of us don’t like to leave our comfort zones, however as Garrett Gravensen wrote, “Life happens outside your comfort zone.”

How do you greet the coming year? I hope it’s with plans and dreams around bringing more happiness, great health and contentment into your life. Remember unless you believe in reincarnation, we only have one life, so make it an exciting, glorious, creative and fulfilling one.

Wishing you a very Happy New Year.

With warmest wishes,

Judy xxx

References: “10 seconds of insane courage” by Garrett Gravensen. Image by Annette from Pixabay.

Disclaimer: Please note that all information in this article is the opinion of the author and obtained through her research and knowledge and the above references. It is not meant to replace medical advice and a medical opinion should always be obtained for any health condition.