Do you have an Impossible dream? I really hope you do. So many of our dreams start out as something that we wish would happen, but believe to be impossible. We may dream about changing careers or moving interstate or overseas. We may dream of living by the seaside or starring in a musical. We may dream of writing a best selling novel or painting a piece of art that hangs in a gallery. These dreams may feel exciting but at the same time, unachievable.

Why do I hope you have an impossible dream? Because I really believe that if a dream exists, in whatever form, you have birthed an idea to make a change somewhere in your life. It may appear far-fetched and perhaps unattainable at first, but dreams give us a gateway to the life we want to create. We all have ideas around how we want to live our life. We plan our jobs and careers, where we want to live, what things we do for pleasure. They don’t always turn out as we planned, but they give us anchors or starting points.

Unless you believe in reincarnation, we all have one life. Don’t you want to make this one life as meaningful and enjoyable as you can? Having dreams help you achieve this and although at first some dreams may appear just that, they can become reality if you take action. Dreams give you a direction in life. They empower you to find your purpose. They inspire you to challenge yourself and in doing so, they help to inspire others to do the same.

What has this do with Reflexology you may ask? Not a lot, except that becoming a Reflexologist was a dream of mine. I had been nursing for many years and needed a change. I had always been interested in complementary therapies, but changing careers after so many years in nursing, felt impossible. However once I decided I had to take some steps, the opportunities opened up for me. While living in the UK, a friend recommended reflexology for a health complaint. I tried it out many times, loved it and found it to be very beneficial. My dream of changing careers was taking shape. Once back in Australia, I contacted various reflexologists and followed their recommendations as to where I could study. I kept on nursing initially, but studied part time and my dream became reality.

What may seem impossible, very often isn’t. If you have the passion, interest and perseverance, so many things can be achieved. Have you always wanted to be a dancer but it seems impossible? Join a local group, start taking lessons and see where it will lead you. Have you always wanted to write a book? Enrol in a course if you so desire, or just start writing down your ideas. I always loved writing as a child but left it to follow other pursuits. During our long lockdowns in Melbourne, I began to write again. The ideas and words just flowed and I have just completed my first book. It has still to be edited and proofread and there’s still a long way to go, but my once impossible dream is taking shape and becoming a reality.

Do you have an impossible dream? I hope you do because it means you are planning how you want to live your life. You are taking back control and not just letting life happen to you. I know that I don’t want to have regrets or feel that I have missed out on things I really want to do. When my Mother was quite elderly, I bought her a beautiful red rose bush that she could see from her bedroom window. One day she wistfully said to me, “I wish I could paint that rose.” I gently said that I could bring her some paints and she could start but she never did. I know that this was just one small thing that she didn’t do, when in life she achieved so much, but so many things are possible if we put our minds and heart into it.

What if you want to paint that rose, or climb that mountain, or walk the Camino Way or cycle around France or even fly to the Moon? Your impossible dream can happen. Make enquiries, study if you need to, plan and then take action. I really hope you have an Impossible dream because if you do and you start to make that dream a reality, you are living your one glorious, amazing life. And isn’t that a life worth living!

With warmest wishes,

Judy xxx

Disclaimer: Please note that all information in this article is the opinion of the author and obtained through her research and knowledge and the above references. It is not meant to replace medical advice and a medical opinion should always be obtained for any health condition.