A New Year brings new beginnings. Will you embrace them?
As we enter a new year, many of us make resolutions, or choose a word to describe how we want this new year to be. A new year also provides opportunities. Opportunities for growth. Opportunities to make changes in our lives. Opportunities to try something new.
We may choose to change careers, take up a hobby, learn a new language, become healthier, let go of unhappy relationships or travel more. The beginning of a new year, allows our dreams to flourish and burst forth. We have a whole twelve months to play with. What will we do?
We look forward eagerly and excitedly. There are so many opportunities waiting.
Then February and March slowly go by and nothing seems to have changed. We stay the same. In the same jobs, the same relationships, the same daily patterns. What has happened to the promises we made ourselves, the dreams we envisioned?
I, too have done the same. I have started each year filled with excitement and hope, then expected my life to change magically. I took little action and expected things to fall into place by themselves, or they fell into the ‘too hard’ basket and were relegated to ‘later.’ Yes magic does happen, but we need to take steps to bring it into fruition.
Those long held dreams don’t happen by chance, or rarely do so. They require action! We need to take steps to bring about change. Yet what holds us back? Is it apathy or is it fear?
I think that fear holds many of us back from achieving our dreams. What if it’s a disaster? What if I have wasted my time or money? What if I’m criticised? What if I fail? Novelist and lyricist Paulo Coelho said, “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”
Yet if we let fear win and never take action, if we never try something new, if we never take that first step, we will never discover what we are capable of.
So hold onto that dream. Begin by writing down a list of all the things that you want to bring into your life, then start to plan. If you want to learn something new, enrol in a course. Make enquiries about transitioning into a new job. Look up places that you would like to travel to and start a savings plan.
We underestimate our abilities and end up playing it safe. We convince ourselves that life is fine just as it is. Dreams are for the foolhardy, the reckless ones, for those who have time and money on their hands.
But let me tell you that dreams are for everyone. For without dreams, life would be very ordinary.
A New Year brings new beginnings. Avail yourself of them. Listen to your heart and that little voice within that clamours for a different life. Do not ignore her.
Our lives are finite. We have this one incredible, adventurous and extraordinary life. Why not make it one hell of a magical ride?
Follow your dreams, follow those breadcrumbs of inspiration, be creative and have the best year that you could possibly have.
With love,
Judy xxx
Disclaimer: Please note that all information in this article is the opinion of the author and obtained through her research and knowledge and the above references. It is not meant to replace medical advice and a medical opinion should always be obtained for any health condition.
References: https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/566.Paulo_Coelho. Photo by Frank McKenna on Unsplash