Work With Me



    Reflexology is a very gentle non-invasive therapy whereby pressure is applied to reflex points on the hands, face, feet and ears to bring about a response in the body.

    These reflex points correspond to all areas of your body so Reflexology can help to balance all Body Systems.

    It improves Nerve Supply and Circulations to relieve pain and congestion. Reflexology works on the Lymphatic system to increase your resistance to infections.

    It has also been shown to improve the quality of sleep, detoxify the body and increase vitality. It helps to balance All Body Systems.


    What conditions does Reflexology help with and how does it work?

    Stress, Anxiety and Fatigue – it is deeply relaxing and balances the hormonal system, involved in the Stress response.

    Circulation problems – it improves circulation and the flow of oxygen to all cells.

    Digestive Issues – helps with diarrhoea, colic and constipation.

    Back, neck, shoulder pain and sciatica – helps with reduction of pain and improves muscle tone and movement of limbs.

    Frequent coughs, colds & infections – improves immunity by increasing lymphatic drainage and reducing stress.

    PMS, Menopause, Migraines & Headaches – helps balance the hormonal system.

    Nerve related conditions such as Bell’s Palsy and Stroke related conditions – stimulates nervous system and improves nerve function.

    Reflexology also helps with sinus problems, asthma and allergies

    What happens in a Reflexology session?

    At your first consultation, a Health Questionnaire is completed to assess your health concerns and how best to work with you to help you return to great health and vitality.

    Only footwear needs to be removed while you sit back and relax in a quiet and gentle environment while a footbath is given with Aromatherapy oils.

    Your Reflexology session will then be conducted on a massage table while you close your eyes, lie back and commence your journey into total bliss. All oils and creams used are pure and natural.

    Facial reflexes are stimulated by applying pressure to various points followed by gentle massage over reflex zones on the face. All areas of the face are thoroughly but gently worked.

    This is followed by a shorter session working reflexes on the feet. If preferred, the face or feet can be worked alone, although I do specialise in working with the face.

    A facial reflexology chart will be prepared for you to enable you to continue the work at home and will be given to you at your next visit.

    Reflex points on the hands will be demonstrated to you so as you can work on them if you so wish.

    A program will then be tailored to meet your individual needs.​

    How long is a Reflexology treatment?

    Generally treatments are 75-minutes.

    The first consultation will be about an hour and a half.

    Footbaths are optional at subsequent sessions and will add another 15 minutes to a consultation.

    How many treatments will I need to attend?

    This will depend on your health concerns.

    If a condition has been there for a long time, results will be achieved, but may take more time than if a condition is of more recent onset.

    Initially, weekly sessions are recommended for a few weeks and then assessed.

    As your condition improves, fewer treatments are required. It depends very much on your body as each body is unique.

    Reflexology is a very holistic therapy and works on an emotional level as well as a physical one.

    "Firstly I would like to send my gratitude and many thanks to the ever so warm Judy!I have received reflexology from her, and have done so for a number of months. The improvements in health, reduced stress and general well being have been second to none. So much so, I would recommend facial reflexology and Judy’s practice to others. The benefits have been through Reflexology, exercise, healthy diet and July’s Midas touch and healing hands. I was a little uncertain to begin with, although a few months on I have never looked back. Many thanks and warm regards must go to Judy. I strongly recommend the facial reflexology!"

    David – Hoppers Crossing

    “Judy’s treatments are designed to aid the body in its’ recovery from various ailments. She is a professional practitioner with a high degree of knowledge and she delivers these treatments with care and empathy. The treatments I have received have helped me to understand the complexities of the body’s responses to various situations, and they have assisted in managing a long-term condition. My fortnightly visits to Judy are many things – relaxing, therapeutic, joyful and eagerly anticipated – a delightful respite from the daily routines.”

    Olive – Canterbury

    "Having a reflexology session with Judy is sheer bliss. Judy’s kindness and caring manner make me feel very special and she always puts in the extra effort to make my ailments go away. Apart from being totally relaxed after a session, I feel that the treatment has a positive effect on my whole body – bringing it back into balance and taking the ‘edge’ off specific problems. Both my son and my husband have regular monthly treatments with Judy – a credit to Judy since my husband is very sceptical of alternative treatments.”

    Claudia – Mitcham

    “I would highly recommend Judy to my friends as she is highly professional in her approach and very easy to talk to. Her treatments have been very helpful in treating my back problems and give results of ongoing benefits. She strives to keep up- to-date with the latest treatments and goes to great lengths to make sure your session is uninterrupted and relaxing.”

    Susan – Blackburn

    “Before Reflexology, I was generally run down and had regular minor colds. Reflexology had helped me in two ways. At the time it’s a lovely relaxing episode where you can meditate and relax or chat about issues, while enjoying a gentle massage of your feet. Afterwards, I always feel relaxed and un-stressed, and I’m sure I experience fewer colds and generally, my wellbeing has improved. Judy is very caring and interested in what’s happening in her clients’ lives. Her treatments are an enjoyable hour or so of relaxation and pampering, which also helps health and wellbeing at the same time.”

    Sharon – Belgrave

    “Judy is a very nice person. She is kind and caring. She makes me so relaxed that I go to sleep during the treatment. I feel healthier because of it.”

    Thomas – Mitcham

    "Before commencing Reflexology with Judy, I was feeling unhealthy and unhappy. Since then I have joined a gym and lost weight and have become fitter and more energetic. Judy’s treatments are an oasis of peace and relaxation. You can switch off from everything else for an hour or so.”

     Vicki – Mitcham

    “I have found Judy to be extremely professional with her treatments. She certainly knows her industry. She practises in a very relaxing and comfortable environment. Her treatments help me to relax and understand my body. She is a very approachable and caring lady.”

    Sally – Nunawading

    “Judy’s treatments work on your whole body, on many levels. You feel lighter and less stressed and you can feel it working throughout your whole body. The hour helps you to switch off and take some time out for yourself and although it’s hard to describe, afterwards you feel so much better. Judy makes you feel comfortable and explains how Reflexology works and all its’ benefits. If you’re feeling tired and stressed, you really look forward to a treatment knowing it will make your whole body feel better and more relaxed.”

    W.G. – Mitcham

    “A few years ago, I had been suffering acute shoulder pain for several months. Despite other ongoing health issues, including Type I Diabetes, low immunity causing frequent colds and infections as well as tightness all through my neck, shoulders and lower back, getting rid of the shoulder pain was the focus at that time! I was trying to keep active and do lots of stretching. In addition I had attended physiotherapy and osteopathy sessions as well as remedial massage therapy. Usually these appointments provided some relief but the pain would return the next day on waking. One day the local gym I was attending was holding an information day about Reflexology and Judy was the presenter. We all got a few minutes of treatment each and I decided that I would attend a session for the relaxation benefits. Two days after that first appointment I realised I had not experienced any shoulder pain at all and have had no problems to this day. I continued on with fortnightly – monthly sessions depending on my schedule and after a year had gone by I realised that I had not suffered a single cold that year. Attending reflexology sessions with Judy has provided me with a very relaxing way of looking after myself and improving health. She is most passionate about helping others through her practice and I really appreciate the many ways she has helped me to date. I would certainly recommend her practice to anyone who is looking for a very pleasant and enjoyable way of improving their health or simply for a relaxation session.”

    Alex – Mitcham

    Facial Reflexology

    is a form of reflexology where the zones and points of the face are specifically stimulated to help treat imbalances within the body. It uses a combination of several healing systems, including acupuncture points, Chinese energy meridians, Vietnamese and South American facial maps and modern anatomy of the nervous system and brain.

    Its effectiveness lies in its ability to identify the cause of the health imbalance in the meridian involved and then stimulate the body’s own healing properties.

    It is a unique treatment system devised by Danish reflexologist, Lone Sorensen who spent 30 years developing a combination of various facial treatments, receiving many awards and accolades for her work.

    Facial Reflexology works on a very deep level within the body, is quite powerful and extremely relaxing. As well as maintaining great health, it is also very rejuvenating for the whole face. Organic Rosehip oil is used, which has very high antioxidant properties.


    What conditions does Reflexology help with and how does it work?

    Stress, Anxiety and Fatigue – it is deeply relaxing and balances the hormonal system, involved in the Stress response.

    Circulation problems – it improves circulation and the flow of oxygen to all cells.

    Digestive Issues – helps with diarrhoea, colic and constipation.

    Back, neck, shoulder pain and sciatica – helps with reduction of pain and improves muscle tone and movement of limbs.

    Frequent coughs, colds & infections – improves immunity by increasing lymphatic drainage and reducing stress.

    PMS, Menopause, Migraines & Headaches – helps balance the hormonal system.

    Nerve related conditions such as Bell’s Palsy and Stroke related conditions – stimulates nervous system and improves nerve function.

    Reflexology also helps with sinus problems, asthma and allergies

    What happens in a Reflexology session?

    At your first consultation, a Health Questionnaire is completed to assess your health concerns and how best to work with you to help you return to great health and vitality.

    Only footwear needs to be removed while you sit back and relax in a quiet and gentle environment while a footbath is given with Aromatherapy oils.

    Your Reflexology session will then be conducted on a massage table while you close your eyes, lie back and commence your journey into total bliss. All oils and creams used are pure and natural.

    Facial reflexes are stimulated by applying pressure to various points followed by gentle massage over reflex zones on the face. All areas of the face are thoroughly but gently worked.

    This is followed by a shorter session working reflexes on the feet. If preferred, the face or feet can be worked alone, although I do specialise in working with the face.

    A facial reflexology chart will be prepared for you to enable you to continue the work at home and will be given to you at your next visit.

    Reflex points on the hands will be demonstrated to you so as you can work on them if you so wish.

    A program will then be tailored to meet your individual needs.​

    How long is a Reflexology treatment?

    Generally treatments are 75-minutes.

    The first consultation will be about an hour and a half.

    Footbaths are optional at subsequent sessions and will add another 15 minutes to a consultation.

    How many treatments will I need to attend?

    This will depend on your health concerns.

    If a condition has been there for a long time, results will be achieved, but may take more time than if a condition is of more recent onset.

    Initially, weekly sessions are recommended for a few weeks and then assessed.

    As your condition improves, fewer treatments are required. It depends very much on your body as each body is unique.

    Reflexology is a very holistic therapy and works on an emotional level as well as a physical one.

    Japanese Cosmo Facial

    Japanese Cosmo Facial is a technique performed on the face to lift the facial tissues so that the face looks and feels younger.

    It is a totally natural procedure in which acupuncture points and zones of the face are stimulated to tone the muscles, increase lymphatic drainage and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

    As we age, the collagen production in the skin begins to slow down. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity and fine lines and wrinkles start to appear. There are many anti-aging products on the market but many of them are very invasive or toxic to the body.

    Japanese Cosmo Facelifting is totally natural and works to diminish the effects of ageing. As well as treating the appearance of the skin, it deeply works the meridians, facial nerves, related zones of the body and the central nervous system. As a result, the whole body feels totally relaxed both physically and emotionally and underlying health issues can be addressed.

    Treatments are 75 minutes in duration and a course of treatments is recommended.

    Conditions Treated


    Stress is a part of our everyday lives but it is how we respond to stress that determines whether we become ill.

    Hans Selye, a physician and endocrinologist described the three stages of stress as Alarm, Resistance and Exhaustion.

    In the Alarm stage, our body recognises the threat and goes into a state of alarm, known as the ‘flight or fight’ response. Adrenaline is produced along with some cortisone.

    The second stage is Resistance where our body tries to adapt to the stress. This cannot be kept up indefinitely and eventually our resources become depleted.

    The third stage is Exhaustion where the stress has continued for too long. If this stage is not resolved, long term damage may result as the adrenal glands and the immune system becomes exhausted.

    As mentioned, the Body’s normal response to Stress is to release hormones from the Adrenal glands. This results in an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, the diversion of blood to the muscles and the release of glucose to the brain.

    Short term, this helps us to deal with the Stress but if it continues, it leads to illnesses such as Hypertension, Heart Disease, Stroke, Digestive problems, Diabetes, Asthma, High Cholesterol, Lowered Immune Function and Chronic Fatigue.

    Signs of Stress are:
    Feeling overwhelmed
    Digestive problems
    Frequent colds and viruses
    Always feeling tired

    Reflexology helps to balance your hormones and stabilise the body’s response to Stress.

    Adrenal Fatigue

    The adrenal glands are known as ‘the glands of stress’ and as mentioned earlier, help our body cope with stress and survive.

    Our energy, resilience and our very life depend on their proper functioning. How well you live will depend on how well your adrenal glands are working! Adrenal fatigue occurs when the adrenal glands no longer secrete the correct amount of hormones. This is usually due to some form of stress, which may be physical, emotional or psychological.

    We all have stress in our lives. It may be work related, due to an unhappy relationship or a poor diet, a nasty infection or as a result of a major loss in our lives.

    After each stress the adrenal glands usually recover but if one episode of stress is followed by another and another and the stress becomes chronic, our adrenals don’t have a chance to recover.

    Fatigue results.

    A combined approach is needed to help the adrenal glands recover and Reflexology plays an important part in this.
    It will help to relax you, relieve the stress and tension and will help balance your whole hormonal system.
    Worry, fear, negative thinking and holding resentments will all place added burden on the adrenals. Examining our negative beliefs may help to address and release them.


    Anxiety occurs when the alarm stage continues. The initial threat has passed but the stress is ongoing. This will lead to constant anxiety or overreaction to an event and depression and lack of motivation may occur.
    Reflexology is deeply relaxing and removes tension in the body and the mind.

    Immune System
    Our Immune System is one of our main protective systems in the body. It discerns what should come into the body and what shouldn’t. It responds to our perceptions about the world we live in and is depleted by fear.

    A healthy diet, exercise, stress relief and doing more or what we love, all strengthens our Immune system.

    It also responds well to Facial Reflexology. Using a combination of Vietnamese and Andean tribal body maps, Chinese energy meridians and modern anatomy of the Nervous system, the cause as well as the symptoms of disease are treated.

    Specific areas of the brain are stimulated along with the whole nervous system to improve nerve function, movement and flexibility.

    Low Immune Function is addressed by working on the cells, tissues and organs of the body. The Lymphatic System is treated to eliminate toxins and increase your resistance to infections.

    Other organs involved in the immune process, such as the Thymus Gland and the Spleen are also stimulated to assist the immune response.


    Facial Reflexology - Initial Consultation

    1 hour 30 minutes $200

    You are welcomed to the practice and a medical history/health questionnaire is completed and discussed to determine the best treatment for you.

    While we are discussing your needs, your feet are soaked in a foot bath of  soothing aromatherapy oils.

    This is followed by a vitalising foot scrub and a softening foot cream.

    You will then be given a full treatment on the face with a shorter time on the feet.

    A combination of both provides the ultimate treatment for your health.

    A facial chart of nerve points to work for your specific symptoms will be prepared for you after this session.

    Facial Reflexology - Subsequent Consultation

    1-hour and fifteen (75 minutes) $130

    After the initial consultation, a treatment plan will be designed specifically to meet your health needs. A full treatment on your Face and a shorter treatment on your feet, will be given at each session.

    Aromatherapy Foot Bath


    This may be added to each treatment as desired.

    It involves a foot bath of soothing aromatherapy oils, a vitalising foot scrub and a softening foot cream.

    Facial Lifting Reflexology - Initial consultation

    1 hour 15 minutes $180

    Japanese Cosmo Facelifting is based on Facial Reflexology but works on a different level to naturally lift the muscles of the face and diminish wrinkles.

    It rejuvenates the face and improves muscle tone and works on the lymphatic system to eliminate toxins.

    The face feels lovely and soft and underlying organs are also treated and balanced.

    It is truly a divine and relaxing therapy.

    In this initial consultation, a medical history and health questionnaire are obtained to discuss your health needs and what you would like to achieve through your treatments.

    You are then given a full treatment on the face.

    Facial Lifting Reflexology - Subsequent consultation

    1-hour $130

    A treatment plan is designed to specifically meet your concerns and these areas are especially targeted. Twice to three times weekly treatments are recommended for ultimate results but great results can still be achieved on a weekly basis. A total of 12 treatments are recommended.

    Wellness Package


    4 x 1 hour Reflexology treatments (normally $520)

    After the initial Reflexology consultation, to get the best results for your health, weekly follow up treatments are recommended.

    This package is for new clients and helps to boost your health and healing.

    Beautifying Health Package

    $600 (normally $650)​​

    5 x 1 hour Japanese Cosmo Facelifting treatments to start rejuvenating your skin.

    Muscle tone is improved, fine lines and wrinkles are decreased and lymphatic drainage helps eliminate toxins.

    As the treatment is quite deep, it also helps balance any underlying health issues.

    12 treatments are recommended for best results.

    A pure, natural Roseship oil is used on the face.

    Video + eBook

    Treating Pain with Reflexology

      The book is a practical guide to treating 10 of the more common pain points with Facial Reflexology.

      These include treatments for Headaches/Migraines, Backache, Neck pain, Shoulder pain, Knee Pain, Wrist and hand pain, Hip pain, Period Pain, Toothache and Sore Throat.

      It also looks at lifestyle changes that can have a significant impact on pain. Anti-inflammatory foods, exercise, meditation, adequate hydration and sleep can all impact on our tolerance and perception of pain.

      The Video included in your ebook purchase will also show you how to work the points on the Face