We are all born Creative.

Sometimes we just need reminding.

We are all born Creative.

Sometimes we just need reminding.

Hi, I’m Judy Newbery and I would love to welcome you.

I believe that we are all born creative but over time, we let other, supposedly more important tasks get in the way.

As children we ride imaginary horses on bamboo sticks throughout our gardens. We create make-believe houses in the cool shade of tall evergreen trees and have tea parties with pretend biscuits and tea in our new ‘homes.’ 

We write stories of far off imaginary places, sing songs that we just thought of, make cakes out of mud pies and dress up as our heroes.

Then we grow up and our creativity is often buried in life’s more important choices. We study and have ‘real’ careers, form relationships and families and forget that once we dreamt of other worldly things. 

We begin to believe that only some have a gift, that only some are creative and that we don’t have talent.

Hi, I’m Judy Newbery and I would love to welcome you.

I believe that we are all born creative but over time, we let other, supposedly more important tasks get in the way.

As children we ride imaginary horses on bamboo sticks throughout our gardens. We create make-believe houses in the cool shade of tall evergreen trees and have tea parties with pretend biscuits and tea in our new ‘homes.’ 

We write stories of far off imaginary places, sing songs that we just thought of, make cakes out of mud pies and dress up as our heroes.

Then we grow up and our creativity is often buried in life’s more important choices. We study and have ‘real’ careers, form relationships and families and forget that once we dreamt of other worldly things. 

We begin to believe that only some have a gift, that only some are creative and that we don’t have talent.

I am here to bring you back to your creativity, the very essence of you that never really disappeared – it just became lost in the back drawers of life.

Creativity encompasses the mind, body and spirit.

It involves reclaiming your power and regaining your health and happiness. 

So many of us tend to prioritise everyone elses needs before our own.

Its often not until we become exhausted, ill or burnt out that we start to pay attention to our body. 

When we learn to listen to our body, reduce stress and fatigue in our lives and put strong boundaries in place around our self care, we are much better able to serve ourselves and others.

Facial Reflexology can help you do this.

It uses a holistic approach to your healing and helps reduce stress and fatigue. It works on a very deep and profound level, is extremely relaxing and helps to balance all body systems.

Creativity is our life force.

Facial Reflexology works with your life force energy.

Embrace it.

We all have a Muse, a voice that speaks to us of possibility, of writing stories, creating music, painting art or any other wild and imaginative task that whispers to us,

“You are creative.”

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